
Trying To Be Grateful For The Little Things...

My kids are watching t.v. And as a Proactive commercial plays I found myself feeling pretty good about my clear complexion. And my dear, sweet, ought-to-have-a-little-more-social-graces-than-that, almost-nine-year-old pipes up with:

"Mommy you ought to get that."

I tell her I don't really need it because I don't have acne and I don't break out, and I'm feeling even more fortunate about this as I've now said it out loud. Yea!! for the small triumphs, right? She then replies, waving the palm of her hand over her entire face:

"Well you could use it for all those brown spots."

Trying not to wince I tell her that I don't believe that product does anything for age spots, and the appreciation I feel for my clear skin is quickly fading in direct proportion to how my brown spots are not. (note: I once explained to my oldest that my "brown face spots" are freckles and her eyes screamed "Liar!" Apparently the freckles I once had have morphed into something else.)

"Well maybe it'll help your wrinkles."

And this is why I must embrace each tiny little moment that has me feeling good: because my beloved offspring will rip it out from under me in a heartbeat, and knock me on the ass of my self-esteem.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. oooo I wanna know what banned blog comment said now! :D
