
Scratching the Writing Itch

Ok, so I'm soooo eager to write a post that'll air my frustrations with our home renovations-in-progress, but I just don't have the time...for now I've got just a few quick musings:

I just about had a panic attack this morning when my husband discovered that the keyboard to our big computer (aka "mine", the non-laptop) is non-functioning and...AND...he left for work without fixing it. Now, I don't do well with trying to fix inanimate objects. I've no patience with them. And those are the times when I pull out that sexist, discriminatory-against-myself card: Honey, That's Your Job. That's right, when I'm too lazy or too short-tempered to take care of something I pawn it off on my husband with the It's a Man's Job excuse. (As a feminist should I feel guilty about that?? Cuz I don't) But he went to work leaving me keyboardless. What the hell is that about?? He's my fix-it guy!! And I certainly don't have time to fuss with a broken keyboard! Doesn't he know I've got Facebooking to do??? I mean, come on! there are Status Updates to tend to and Comments to comment on. How am I to get through the day like this???? Then I remembered that I still have his computer, the laptop. Phew. Panic attack temporarily averted. Even if I am sexist.

Now that I'm using the laptop for my blogging, you should know that the "G" on this keyboard is a bum G: it doesn't always work, and I often have to go back and add in the Gs that are missing. So, if at some point you notice a G missing from my writing it just means I got too lazy to add the
G. And, as you may have guessed, fixing the G on this keyboard is also the man's job.

So there it is, giving the Writer's Itch a lil bitty scratch until I can find more time.

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