
What The Hell Did I Do To My Hair?!?

So I've got 30 minutes. My timer on my mobile phone is set and when it goes off I will check to see if my hair has regained some of it's composure, or if I, in fact, will be bald or even more oddly colored than I was just a few minutes ago.

Last week I colored my hair. Bought a shade of Feria that is specifically made for dark brown hair and supposed to be a cool tone of brown...called Downtown Brown (I know, groovy, right? *wink*) and is supposed to be not brassy. Except on me it's not even close to being not brassy...I look like an ugly penny. My head looks like an ugly penny. I don't mean that all pennies are ugly...just the one on my head. If the pic on the box is Downtown Brown then this color is Middle of Hickville Ick-Orange. But I've tried to like it, I've tried to embrace it (after all, I've invested $9.58 plus tax), but every time I catch an unexpected glance of myself in a mirror I go **GASP** and damn near drop the baby. That's not good. And the attempt to embrace it was surrendered today when I dropped $13.46 plus tax, on a dark mahogany color that also comes with some highlightey stuff. (I know, I've got the terms so down pat I should probably open up my own hair place...you know, where people go to have their hair colored and cut by other people. OK, so now I'm being a shit. But it's Sandi and Hillary's fault. I'm bitter that my two most favorite Hair Place People choose to stay located in their hometowns in Pennsylvania and California, respectively, instead of following me all around the world to be my Personal Hair People...but that's a whole other post for a whole other day)

So, I'm waiting...I think I have about 15 minutes left...to see if the deep reddish color I just applied will fix the icky penny color or make me go bald.

As I stepped out of my bathroom a few moments ago, bright red noggin and all, I noticed a stinky dog smell. Which reminds me that I only bathed 1/2 of the dynamic canine duo the other day...which also reminds me that I never wrote about The Dog Bathing Incident of '010, which occurred last week. I think I blocked it from memory for good reason. Maybe when my body & psyche have both healed from that event I will be able to post about it. For now, I just wanna focus on what's happening atop my head. Keep your fingers crossed for me...I can't be droppin' another ten to fifteen bucks on hair color stuff that I'll just screw up again. And I just can't pull off the bald look.

Edited on 2/25: so it turned out ok! Here's my self portrait photo------>
No comments needed from the peanut gallery on the lovely look on my face...this was the best photo out of a bazillion, where the flash & the mirror weren't duking it out and you could actually see my hair, and not just the blank wall (I haven't got very good self-portrait photography aim)


  1. My fingers are crossed. I need pics!!

  2. well there are no Before pics...I couldn't stand to document the bad orange-ness in such a manner. But if I'm not too embarrassed by the After, there will be pics to follow :)

  3. Remember that time at the D. Christmas party in paso where I dyed my hair brown and it turned....er.....green. That was a 'cut of your waist length hair and $300 fix job. I walk down the box dye isle and cringe.....NO more box dyes for me. I'm actually surprised your 2nd attempt turned out that good!
